Friday, June 4, 2010


This topic kills me because if you ask a man this question they say yes BUT they dont want there woman 2 wear extensions to achieve long hair ummmm. Anyway, did some research as to why men want a woman with long hair but will not allow weave. The reasons were all the same they preferred their mate to be “natural” to the look or that extensions attract too much attention from the opposite sex etc. Women spend a great deal of time, money, and attention making their hair as attractive as possible. While, in theory, this energy is often spent in order to make a woman feel more confident, it also serves to make that woman more attractive to men. Fashion and beauty magazines perpetually offer tips and advice on how women can make their hair as appealing as possible to men.

Recently a poll was done by researchers that concluded that men prefer women with long hair. I know, surprise, surprise. When you ask a man what length of hair he prefers on women, 9 times out of 10 he will say long. This question was asked on Yahoo Answers, and a few other sites on the web. And nearly all the men asked, responded yes, they prefer long hair on women. In another poll, done by the Daily Mail Reporter, researchers did a survey of 3,000 men, and 43% of the men polled preferred long hair. 80 percent of the men said they definitely notice if a woman changes her hair, while 18 percent said they rarely notice when a woman changes her hair.

good thing R.E.S.S doesnt have to worry about this lol <3

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